Normanville Jetty, South Australia. Learn how to write like an Australian
1 May 2024

What are some online resources to improve my writing in Australian English?

By Lee

Here are some key online resources to improve your writing in Australian English:

  1. [3] ABC Learn English – Comprehensive website with lessons on grammar, vocabulary, and other aspects of language use, plus video and audio content.
  2. [4] Grammarly – AI-powered writing assistant that can check for grammar, spelling, and style issues. Offers a free browser extension.
  3. [4] – Online thesaurus to help expand your vocabulary and find alternative word choices.
  4. [4] Ginger – AI-powered editing tool that provides grammar and sentence-level corrections and suggestions.
  5. [4] Reverse Dictionary – Allows you to search for words based on their definition, helpful for recalling the right term.
  6. [4] Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test – Analyzes text for readability and grade level, to ensure your writing is clear and accessible.
  7. [4] Expresso – Provides detailed analysis of writing metrics like passive voice, filler words, and more.
  8. [1] Australian Online Courses – Offers short courses on topics like improving English grammar, professional writing, and editing.
  9. [3] Manchester Academic Phrasebank – Provides examples and guidance on academic phrasing and writing structure.
  10. [3] Using English for Academic Purposes (UEFAP) – Comprehensive website with advice on academic writing skills.

The key is to utilize a variety of these online tools and resources to systematically improve your Australian English writing skills. Consistent practice and feedback are essential.

Further reading:
