20 July 2024

The Unexpected Mentor

By Lee

I sighed as I stared at the blank document on my laptop screen. After decades as a successful business and social media author, I found myself struggling with writer’s block for the first time. My publisher was eagerly awaiting my next manuscript, but I felt like I had run out of insights to share.

Desperate for inspiration, I decided to take a walk through the streets of Adelaide. As I wandered past quaint cafes and bustling shops, my mind drifted to the early days of my career. I recalled the excitement of being Australia’s first PR podcaster, blazing a trail in the emerging world of social media.

Lost in thought, I didn’t notice the young woman barreling towards me until it was too late. We collided, sending her stack of papers flying across the sidewalk.

“I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed, scrambling to gather the scattered pages.

I knelt to help her, catching glimpses of what looked like a business plan. “No worries,” I replied with a smile. “I should have been paying more attention.”

As we stood, the woman’s eyes widened in recognition. “Wait a minute…aren’t you Lee Hopkins? The social media guru?”

I chuckled. “I’m not sure about ‘guru,’ but yes, that’s me.”

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it!” she gushed. “I’m Sarah. I’m trying to launch a social media consultancy, but I’m totally stuck. Your books have been my bible!”

Intrigued, I found myself asking Sarah about her business idea. As she excitedly shared her vision, I felt a familiar spark ignite within me. Here was a passionate young entrepreneur, facing the same challenges I had navigated years ago.

“Why don’t we grab a coffee?” I suggested. “I’d love to hear more about your plans.”

Over lattes at a nearby cafe, I listened intently as Sarah outlined her struggles. I found myself offering advice, drawing on experiences I had almost forgotten. With each suggestion, I saw Sarah’s eyes light up with newfound determination.

As our impromptu mentoring session came to an end, I realized something profound. I may have felt like I had run out of insights to share in my books, but I still had a wealth of knowledge to offer. The key was connecting with the next generation of entrepreneurs, understanding their unique challenges in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Energized, I bid farewell to Sarah and hurried home. I opened my laptop, fingers flying across the keyboard as I began to write. But this time, instead of another how-to guide, I started crafting a series of stories—real-world case studies of entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of modern business communication.

The chance encounter had not only reignited my passion for writing but had also revealed a new direction for my work. As I wrote late into the night, I smiled to myself, grateful for the reminder that sometimes the best inspiration comes when you least expect it.