Tag: creative

30 April 2024

What are some examples of Americanisms that can be avoided when using quotation marks in Australian English

When using quotation marks in Australian English, it’s important to avoid certain Americanisms to adhere to local conventions. Here are some examples of Americanisms related to the use of quotation marks that should be avoided: By avoiding these Americanisms, writers can ensure their use of quotation marks aligns with Australian English standards, maintaining clarity and consistency in their writing. Citations:[1] https://www.eliteediting.com.au/avoiding-americanisms-when-using-australianbritish-english/[2] https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/84365609.pdf[3] https://www.abc.net.au/education/interesting-words-and-americanisms-in-our-language/13953302[4] https://www.theguardian.com/media/mind-your-language/2010/nov/26/americanisms-english-mind-your-language[5] https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/8274467/clear-as-math-what-counts-as-proper-australian-english/[6] […]

30 April 2024

How to use quotation marks correctly in Australian English

In Australian English, the correct use of quotation marks follows specific rules that differ slightly from American English conventions. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use quotation marks correctly in Australian English: Single vs. Double Quotation Marks Australian English typically uses single quotation marks (‘ ‘) for quoting direct speech, titles of certain works, or drawing attention to a word. Double quotation marks (” […]

30 April 2024

In Australian grammar rules, does the full stop come before single quote marks, or after?

In Australian grammar rules, the placement of the full stop in relation to single quote marks depends on the context of the quotation. If the quotation is a complete sentence, the full stop comes before the closing single quote mark. However, if the quotation is part of a larger sentence, the full stop comes after the closing single quote mark[1][3][4][8]. Citations:[1] https://www.writerscentre.com.au/blog/qa-quotes-and-punctuation-evil-or-not/[2] https://www.macquariedictionary.com.au/punctuation-guide/[3] https://www.eliteediting.com.au/avoiding-americanisms-when-using-australianbritish-english/[4] https://www.capstoneediting.com/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-single-and-double-quotation-marks[5] […]

29 April 2024

Creativity: Succeeding over the long term

Successful creatives often succeed for years because they not only have talent, but also cultivate the right networks and connections to support their creative work[2][4]. Research shows that creativity involves three key elements: the individual’s mastery of their craft, exposure to a field of influential experts, and acceptance by the gatekeepers in that domain[2][4]. Simply having creative ideas is not enough—creatives must also navigate the […]

27 September 2023

Logan Robinson

Logan Robinson, ex-Airforce, 28 yo and too heavily freckled for women, shares in the sadness of his best friends when their 6yo daughter is killed.

13 September 2023


The fear of the men stranded on the beach, under intense fire from the Germans, was written in blood on their faces. The blood of their comrades and friends was not just splattered but splashed across the faces of the nearby living. Well, living-for-now. The sea at the back of both the fallen and the living was red with anger and sadness, two different emotions […]

15 May 2023

Week 8: Power Writing (and writing short and sweet from Week 7)

Can I write succinctly and let the power of my words and sentences transport the reader to where I want them to be and think what I want them to think? I don’t think so. I find it very hard to turn a long piece of writing into something short, I am always wanting to explain further, to show yet one more example, to …well, […]

15 May 2023

Creating Killer Content Blogpost 01

What are we as writers if not improvisers? Some of us plan out our work, filling in every gap before putting fingers to keyboard, others of us are ‘pantsers’, writers who write by the seat of their pants, never knowing what’s going to happen next, but trusting in their muse that inspiration will strike. Both types of writers, I contend, are reliant on improvisation more […]

27 June 2022

I’m not creative, mate

I have known I’m bipolar for a very long time, and I was diagnosed as clinically depressed before my psychiatrist at the time changed her mind about my condition (based on new research) and diagnosed me as bipolar nearly two decades ago. But I’d never felt myself as being creative. This, beside loving acting in plays, beside painting, beside taking photographs and developing them in […]