Mastering the art of writing brilliant blog posts
20 June 2024

Mastering the art of writing brilliant blog posts: 4

By Lee

Chapter 4: Writing with personality and authenticity

G’day! Today, we’re having a chinwag about something that can make or break your blog posts—writing with personality and authenticity. It’s like seasoning your steak—without a bit of seasoning, it’s bland as. Let’s dive in and see how you can add that special touch to your writing that not only engages but also builds trust with your readers.

Be yourself

First off, let’s get one thing straight: don’t try to be something you’re not. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the foundation for genuine connections with your readers. Being yourself means sharing your experiences, anecdotes, and opinions in your unique voice because that’s your biggest asset.

Why being yourself matters

When you write as your true self, your personality shines through, and readers can sense that. It’s this authenticity that builds trust and keeps readers coming back. If you try to mimic someone else’s style or voice, it’ll come off as fake, and readers will see through it faster than you can say, “Fair dinkum.”

How to be yourself in writing

1. Use your voice: Write as you speak. If you’re more informal, go with that. If you’re more formal, that’s fine too. The key is to be consistent and true to who you are.

2. Share your opinions: Don’t be afraid to share your take on things. Your perspective is what makes your content unique.

3. Be casual: Relax and let your personality flow into your writing. Imagine you’re having a chat with a mate over a beer.


If you’re passionate about a topic, let that enthusiasm show. For instance, instead of saying, “It’s important to write with authenticity,” you could say, “Listen, if you’re not being real in your writing, what’s the point? People crave honesty!”

Add a bit of humour

A well-placed joke or a bit of Aussie slang can do wonders. Humour makes your writing relatable and memorable. Just keep it appropriate for your audience. A cheeky “G’day” or “No worries” can make a world of difference.

Why humour matters

Humour breaks the ice and makes your content more enjoyable. It creates a connection with your audience and makes your writing stand out. Just remember, humour should enhance your message, not overshadow it.

How to add humour

1. Know your audience: Make sure your jokes or slang are appropriate for your readers. What’s funny to one group might not be to another.

2. Keep it subtle: A little goes a long way. You don’t need to turn your post into a stand-up routine.

3. Be yourself: Your natural sense of humour is perfect. Don’t force it.


Instead of saying, “Writing can be challenging,” you could say, “Writing is like trying to herd cats—challenging, unpredictable, but oh-so-rewarding when it comes together.”

Share personal stories

Personal stories make your content more engaging. They add a human touch and help readers connect with you on a deeper level.

Why personal stories matter

Sharing your own experiences makes your message more relatable. It shows readers that you’ve been there, done that, and come out the other side. It helps build empathy and trust.

How to share personal stories

1. Be selective: Share stories that are relevant to the topic. They should illustrate or support your main points.

2. Be honest: Don’t embellish or exaggerate. The truth is powerful enough.

3. Be concise: Keep your stories short and to the point. They should enhance your message, not distract from it.


If you’re writing about overcoming procrastination, you might share a story about a time when you struggled with procrastination yourself and what strategies helped you overcome it. For instance, “I used to put off writing until the last minute, which often left me stressed and unproductive. Then I started using a timer to break my work into manageable chunks, and it made a huge difference.”

Be honest and transparent

People appreciate honesty. If you make a mistake, own up to it. If you don’t know something, admit it. Your readers will respect you more for it.

Why honesty matters

Honesty builds trust and credibility. Readers can smell BS from a mile away, and if they catch a whiff of it, you’ve lost them. Being honest also makes you relatable and human.

How to be honest and transparent

1. Admit mistakes: If you’ve made an error, acknowledge it and correct it. It shows integrity.

2. Be clear about what you know: If you’re not an expert on something, don’t pretend to be. It’s okay to say, “I don’t have all the answers, but here’s what I’ve learned.”

3. Provide accurate information: Use reliable sources and fact-check your content. Tools like can help ensure accuracy before you commit your fingers to a draft blog post.


If you’ve published a post and realise you made an error, address it in an update: “In a previous version of this post, I mistakenly stated X. Upon further review, the correct information is Y. Thanks to our sharp-eyed reader Sam for pointing this out!”

Being vulnerable

Opening up about your vulnerabilities can be powerful. It shows readers that you’re human, just like them, and it can deepen the connection.

Why vulnerability matters

Being vulnerable can create a strong bond between you and your readers. It shows that you’re not perfect and that you’re willing to share your struggles and failures as well as your successes.

How to be vulnerable

1. Share your challenges: Talk about times when you’ve faced difficulties or setbacks.

2. Show your growth: Share what you’ve learned from these experiences and how you’ve grown.

3. Be genuine: Don’t fabricate or exaggerate your challenges. Authenticity is key.


If you’re writing a post about overcoming writer’s block, you might share your own struggles: “I’ve battled writer’s block more times than I can count. It’s frustrating and discouraging, but I’ve learned a few techniques that help me push through and get back to writing.”

Engaging with your readers

Part of writing with personality and authenticity is engaging with your readers. Responding to comments and messages shows that you value their input and care about their opinions.

Why engagement matters

Engaging with your readers builds a sense of community. It shows that you’re accessible and that you genuinely care about what they have to say. This can foster loyalty and encourage repeat visits.

How to engage with readers

1. Respond to comments: Take the time to reply to comments on your blog posts. Acknowledge their insights, answer their questions, and thank them for their input.

2. Ask for feedback: Encourage your readers to share their thoughts and opinions. Ask questions at the end of your posts to spark discussion.

3. Be approachable: Use a friendly and conversational tone. Make your readers feel welcome and appreciated.


If a reader leaves a comment on your post about writing with authenticity, you might respond with, “Thanks for your comment, Jess! I totally agree—being yourself really is the key. Have you found any other tips that help you write authentically?”

Continuous improvement

Writing with personality and authenticity is an evolving process. As you write more, you’ll find your voice and develop your style. It’s important to keep honing your craft and seeking opportunities for growth.

Why continuous improvement matters

Continual growth and improvement help you become a better writer. It keeps your content fresh and engaging and shows your readers that you’re committed to providing the best possible value.

How to continuously improve

1. Seek feedback: Ask for constructive feedback from peers, mentors, and your audience. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement.

2. Read widely: Read books, blogs, and articles from a variety of authors and genres. This can expose you to different styles and techniques that you can incorporate into your own writing.

3. Practice regularly: The more you write, the more you’ll develop your voice and style. Set aside regular time for writing, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches.


Join a writing group or online community where you can share your work and receive feedback. Participate in writing challenges and workshops to expand your skills and gain new perspectives.


Writing with personality and authenticity is like seasoning your steak—without it, your content can come across as bland and uninteresting. By being yourself, adding a bit of humour, sharing personal stories, being honest and transparent, showing vulnerability, and engaging with your readers, you’ll create content that’s not only engaging but also builds trust and fosters genuine connections.

Remember, writing is a journey, and it’s important to keep honing your craft and seeking opportunities for growth. So, grab a cuppa, settle in, and start infusing your writing with personality and authenticity.


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