15 May 2023

Week 7: Writing something other than a cybercrime novel (badly)

By Lee

A guest lecture with David Waters from Green Hill Publishing made me realise that there are other avenues I can pursue as a part-time writer of bad cyber-crime novels. According to Pete, there are very few buyers of novels in Australia, but far more buyers of self-help and autobiographies/memoirs. Here’s some of my thoughts on what else I can do, right now…

  • For a start, I can turn the three business books I wrote on the business use of social media in the early 2010s into second editions by updating them to take into account the worlds of Instagram and TikTok (and the spiralling demise of Twitter once Musk started running it)
  • I can similarly update my self-help book on goal setting (written in 1998) with the latest psychological research, then package and promote it
  • Ghost-write memoirs and autobiographies for the rich, time-poor and ‘unable to write’ members of the Australian community (apparently the gig pays well, too!)
  • Use my photography skills to photojournalise places and events, then sell those articles and photos to media outlets like Glam Adelaide, InDaily, The Conversation, etc.

In fact, I have set up a meeting with David Waters to investigate some of these options further.