Lucy working on a mood board for her school's newsletter

Uncommon or less well-known uses of AI for creative endeavours

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in many industries, but its applications in creative fields often fly under the radar. While we’ve all heard about AI writing articles or generating images, there’s a whole world of lesser-known AI applications that are revolutionising creative endeavours. Let’s explore some of these hidden gems and see how they’re pushing the boundaries of human creativity.

AI as your musical muse

Imagine having a tireless collaborator who’s listened to every piece of music ever created and can spit out new melodies faster than you can say “Grammy Award”. That’s what AI is bringing to the table in music composition. Tools like AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) are analysing vast musical databases to generate new compositions that blend various styles and genres.

But it’s not about replacing human musicians. Rather, it’s about providing a springboard for creativity. Musicians can use these AI-generated compositions as a starting point, tweaking and refining them to create something truly unique. It’s like having a brainstorming session with Mozart, Beethoven, and Beyoncé all at once.

For example, Taryn Southern, an American singer and songwriter, used AI to compose the instrumental tracks for her album “I AM AI“. The result? A fascinating blend of human creativity and machine-generated music that pushes the boundaries of what we consider possible in music composition.

The AI artist’s palette

In the visual arts, AI is proving to be quite the digital Picasso. Tools like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Flux are transforming text descriptions into stunning images, while others can generate entirely new artworks based on learning from thousands of existing pieces.

But it’s not all about creating pretty pictures. AI is pushing the boundaries of what we consider art, raising fascinating questions about creativity, authorship, and the nature of artistic expression. In 2018, an AI-generated portrait, “Portrait of Edmond de Belamy“, sold for $432,500 at Christie’s auction house, marking a significant milestone in the acceptance of AI-generated art.

Artists are using these tools not as replacements, but as collaborators. They’re exploring new techniques, pushing their creative boundaries, and creating works that blend human intuition with machine precision. It’s like having a team of assistants who can visualise your wildest ideas in seconds.

AI: The fashion forecaster

In the fast-paced world of fashion, staying ahead of trends is crucial. That’s where AI is stepping in, acting as a crystal ball for designers. By analysing historical data, social media trends, and consumer preferences, AI can predict upcoming fashion trends with remarkable accuracy.

For instance, Heuritech, an AI-powered fashion forecasting company, uses image recognition technology to analyse millions of images shared on social media. This allows them to predict fashion trends up to one year in advance, giving designers a crucial edge in a competitive industry.

But it doesn’t stop at trend prediction. AI is also enabling personalised fashion, where custom garments are designed based on individual body measurements and style preferences. It’s like having a personal stylist and tailor rolled into one, available at the click of a button.

The AI storyteller

Writers, meet your new co-author! AI is making waves in the world of words, from generating story ideas to helping with writer’s block. Tools like ChatGPT and Claude can produce everything from short stories to poetry, and even attempt longer-form narratives.

But don’t worry, human authors—AI isn’t here to write the next Great Australian Novel. It’s more like a super-powered brainstorming buddy, ready to help you overcome creative hurdles and explore new narrative possibilities. For example, AI can suggest plot developments, character arcs, and dialogue options, helping authors craft richer, more compelling stories.

Sudowrite, an AI writing assistant, has been used by authors to overcome writer’s block and generate new ideas. It’s like having a writing partner who’s read every book ever written and never runs out of ideas. As a novelist myself, I use it for all my fiction works. I love it. Read more about Sudowrite in another of my articles.

AI in the director’s chair

In the film and animation industry, AI is taking on roles that go far beyond simple automation. It’s generating realistic CGI characters and environments, enhancing special effects, and even helping with storyboarding and script analysis.

For instance, ScriptBook uses AI to analyse scripts and predict their box office potential. It’s like having a crystal ball that can tell you if your film will be the next blockbuster or a straight-to-streaming flop.

But perhaps one of the most exciting applications is in creating dynamic, responsive narratives. Imagine a film that adapts its plot based on the viewer’s emotional responses or preferences. It’s not science fiction — it’s the future of storytelling, and AI is making it possible.

AI: The game master

In the world of game design, AI is levelling up the player experience. It’s creating dynamic game environments, intelligent NPC (non-player character) behaviours, and complex narrative structures that adapt to player choices.

For example, the AI system in the game “Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor” creates unique orc enemies with individual personalities and memories. This results in a more engaging and personalised gaming experience, where each playthrough is unique.

Game developers are using AI to test different scenarios and mechanics, ensuring a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience. It’s like having a tireless playtester who can experience every possible permutation of your game.

The future of AI in creativity

As we peer into the crystal ball of creative futures, one thing is clear: the most exciting developments will come from the synergy between human imagination and AI’s analytical power. AI isn’t here to replace human creativity; it’s here to enhance it, to push it to new heights, to help us explore creative territories we never knew existed.

The key to maximising AI’s potential in creative fields lies in embracing its capabilities while preserving the human touch. It’s about fostering a collaborative relationship where AI complements and enhances human creativity, rather than replacing it.

As AI technology continues to evolve, its applications in creative fields will expand further. Staying informed about these developments and experimenting with AI-driven tools can help creators stay ahead of trends and push the boundaries of their disciplines.

Are you ready to embrace your new AI collaborators? The canvas is blank, the stage is set, and the possibilities are infinite. Let’s create something extraordinary together!

For further reading on AI in creative fields, check out “The Creativity Code” by Marcus du Sautoy or visit the AI Art Gallery for examples of AI-generated artwork.