Arabella, a young woman radiating gothic charm
25 June 2024

The eternal echo

By Lee

In the heart of Belair, a suburb of Adelaide that straddled the line between the contemporary and the archaic, the whispers of old spirits lingered amidst the modern bustle. Gothic churches stood shoulder to shoulder with chic cafés, and the past seemed to breathe through the very pavements. Amongst this dichotomy of old and new lay the mansion of the Blackthorn family, an opulent relic that stood as a testament to their wealth and secrecy.

Arabella Blackthorn was the epitome of gothic beauty. At eighteen, she carried herself with a grace that resembled the languid elegance of a shadow. Her long black hair fell in silken waves against her ivory skin, and her slender frame, always cloaked in an ensemble of black lace, velvet, and intricate corsetry, was a manifestation of the grim allure she embodied. Arabella’s mind was a repository of ancient literature and macabre folklore—a consequence of countless nights spent pouring over her family’s voluminous library.

One evening, Arabella received an invitation written in an exquisite hand on parchment that smelled faintly of lavender and death.

“Miss Arabella Blackthorn, you are cordially invited to an audience with Lady Seraphina Nightshade. Your presence is both requested and required at Ravenswood Lodge, on the eve of the blood moon. Eternity awaits. Yours, L.S.N.”

Intrigued by the mention of Lady Seraphina—a name that existed only in fragments of ancient lore and whispered dangers—Arabella’s curiosity was piqued. Setting out from the sanctuary of her guarded existence, she ventured towards Ravenswood Lodge, a notoriously isolated estate on the fringes of the Adelaide Hills.

As she ascended the winding path, the moon, blood-red and sinister, hung low in the sky like an ominous eye. Ravenswood Lodge emerged from the shadows, its gothic architecture sharp and foreboding against the night sky. Gargoyles kept watch from the eaves, and ivy contributed to the estate’s decrepit splendour.

The gates opened on their own accord, responding to Arabella as though they recognised her. Stepping into the grand entry hall, she was enveloped by an atmosphere thick with the scent of aged wood and a chill that seemed to emanate from within the walls themselves. Echoes of whispered incantations lingered in the air.

Arabella approached the grand drawing room, where dimly flickering candelabras cast eerie waltzing shadows. She found herself face-to-face with Lady Seraphina Nightshade herself—an imposing figure exuding timeless allure. Her raven hair framed a face of striking beauty; her eyes glowed like molten amber, and her presence seemed to warp the fabric of reality.

“Welcome, Arabella,” Seraphina greeted, her voice a low, throaty purr that held undercurrents of something dangerously compelling.

Arabella met Seraphina’s gaze unflinchingly. “You summoned me. Why?” she asked, her voice steady but tinged with the tautness of curiosity and dread.

Seraphina’s lips curled into a knowing smile. “You have been chosen, my dear, to join forces with me, to escape the mundane constraints of mortality and embrace the infinity of the night.”

Arabella felt a shiver of excitement intertwined with trepidation. “Immortality?” she whispered, the word tasting foreign yet alluring on her tongue.

The vampire nodded. “You possess a soul that mirrors my own. Together, we shall traverse the centuries, unseen but ever-present. Eternity has searched for someone like you.”

Seraphina extended a slender hand towards Arabella, her touch as cold as the void. Her enticing offer wrapped around Arabella’s mind like tendrils of smoke, seductive yet suffocating.

“My family,” Arabella began, “they’ll notice my absence.”

“They will be given the illusion of normalcy,” Seraphina assured. “For it is not your physical presence they cherish, but the image of you. A simulacrum will remain in your stead, and they shall continue their lives blissfully ignorant of our true nature.”

As Arabella pondered the proposition, Seraphina led her to a grand mirror framed in aged silver. “Look,” she commanded.

In the reflection, Arabella saw herself poised beside Seraphina—an apparition of dark beauty; her gothic attire seemed an extension of the shadows that danced around them. The allure of eternal companionship became a beating pulse within her, impossible to ignore.

“What must I do?” Arabella’s voice was a mere whisper, yet it echoed profoundly in the chamber of secrets.

Seraphina moved closer, her breath cool against Arabella’s earlobe. “Surrender to me. Let your lifeblood mingle with mine. The transformation will be exquisite.”

Arabella closed her eyes, surrendering to the siren call. She felt Seraphina’s icy fangs pierce the delicate skin of her neck, a sensation that hovered between pain and enraptured surrender. The world collapsed in on itself, and Arabella felt her essence drawn out, replaced by shadows and whispers of eternity.

When she opened her eyes, the mundane reality she had known was nothing but a distant memory. The new world she inhabited was one of heightened senses and predatory elegance. Seraphina stood before her, eyes glowing with pride and dark desire. “Welcome to forever, Arabella. From now on, the night is our realm, and the world shall be our endless playground.”

As the blood moon bathed Ravenswood Lodge in its crimson glow, Arabella and Seraphina stepped out into the night, two kindred spirits bound by darkness and the promise of eternity. Newtown and the sprawling city beyond lay vulnerable below, unaware of the immortal eyes that now watched over them with fascination and hunger.

Their first hunt was a ceremonial experience, an initiation into this new existence. They prowled the narrow alleyways of Adelaide, their senses attuned to the underlying heartbeat of the city. They observed the living with a detached curiosity, now more predator than participant.

Arabella felt the thrill of her new power. Every movement was precise, every sense amplified. The intoxicating aroma of human blood called to her like a forbidden symphony. Seraphina guided her, a steady hand on her shoulder, as they selected their first victim—a young man, oblivious to the peril that followed him.

“It’s time,” Seraphina whispered, her voice a thrilling shiver through Arabella’s being. They closed in, and as Arabella tasted the warm rush of life-force from their prey, she felt a surge of vitality and strength unlike anything she had ever known. The ecstasy of the moment was shared, their bond solidified by the hunt and the blood they drank together.

When the night’s hunt concluded, they returned to Ravenswood Lodge. The mansion, now a sanctuary of their shared eternity, welcomed them with open arms. It was within these walls that Arabella experienced the full depth of Seraphina’s embrace for the first time. In the dim glow of candlelight, their bodies intertwined in a dance as old as time itself, a dark consummation of love and desire. Every touch, every whispered word, carried a weight of centuries, and the passion they shared was as boundless as the immortality Arabella had just begun to explore.

Decades began to blend into one another as Seraphina and Arabella’s personal legend took root. They roamed continents, their existence a tantalising whisper amongst the shadows of Europe’s grandest cities and America’s burgeoning skylines. From the opulent temples of Paris to the hidden corners of Prague, they sampled the finest aspects of human civilisation while threading a path of elegant malevolence through history.

Yet, Adelaide remained their eternal home. They often returned to Belair, where the blend of old and new served as a perfect veil for their existence. Ravenswood Lodge grew to be a sanctuary where vampires congregated, a place of reverence and power. Those who dared to search for its location seldom returned, and the lore surrounding Lady Seraphina and Arabella took on a cult-like reverence among vampiric circles.

Within Ravenswood’s walls, Seraphina and Arabella’s passion was an undying flame. Every moment was an exploration, their desires evolving alongside the world they left in their wake. Their love was a tapestry woven from acts of power, seduction, and shared artistry. Together, they honed their skills, mastering not just the hunt, but the very essence of human interaction and manipulation.

Human lovers came and went, mere fleeting amusements who served temporary roles within the grand theatre of their existence. Yet, none could break the intricate bond between the two immortal queens of the night. Arabella’s transformation had fortified a connection that transcended mere infatuation, blooming into an unbreakable unity where trust, desire, and a shared thirst for eternity interlinked their destinies.

Their influence grew, and whispers of their existence drew curious mortals, some aspiring to join their ranks, others to challenge their dominion. The bold met a swift and elegant demise; the deserving were transformed, extending the reach of the coven. Ravenswood Lodge became a centre of power where the keen of intellect and spirit might sip from the chalice of unending life.

The turning point came with the construction of the Nightshade Foundation—an outwardly philanthropic endeavour that overshadowed its true purpose. Using the wealth accumulated over centuries, the foundation funnelled resources into discreet ventures designed to ensure their kind could thrive undetected amidst societal progress. It funded research in nocturnal biology, facilitated the concealment of their kind, and supported artistic expressions that communicated their hidden realm’s exquisite fears and beauties to the mortal world.

Though they wielded unprecedented influence, Seraphina and Arabella maintained their love, built on the bedrock of their eternal bond. The blood moon that had sealed their fate rose annually, each cycle reaffirming their promises. On these nights, they retreated from their legions to reclaim the intimacy and fervour that had sparked their union.

One such night, under the bloody glow of the moon, Seraphina gazed upon Arabella with a look that could pierce the fabric of time itself. “Do you ever regret?” she asked, a rare query laced with eternal wisdom.

Arabella, her beauty undiminished by the centuries, smiled. “I regret only what was left unexplored, yet our path remains limitless. Our journey is a story without end, and you, Seraphina, make eternity a treasure.”

They embraced, a symbol of immortal love amidst timeless night, a duet of queens who danced through history while the world reshaped itself around their eternal union.

Thus, their tale wove into the dark heart of Adelaide, the City of Churches, where Belair’s streets echoed with legends of an undying love, infinitely entwined. Their immortality was not a curse, but a symphony of boundless yearning, unsated yet beautifully shared, under the watchful eyes of the eternal blood moon. As long as the shadows flickered and the night whispered, Arabella and Seraphina—Vampiric lovers, eternal consorts—would reign supreme, their story an immortal echo resonating through the alleys and cobblestone paths of the Gothic night.

Epilogue: The Eternal Return

Beyond the façade of their night of consummation and distant adventures, Seraphina and Arabella established a delicate balance of blending into human society while simultaneously steering it. By investing in long-term ventures and maintaining influence across various industries, they gradually extended their reach, ensuring their gatherers’ success in the mortal domain was unassailable.

Arabella, inspired by her mortality’s fascination with literature, founded the ‘Nocturne Press’. This publishing house doubled as a front for recruiting and elevating talented mortals who exhibited a penchant for the darkly beautiful, the macabre, and the extraordinary. With an extensive network of authors and artists under its wing, Nocturne Press began to subconsciously thread vampiric myths into the vibrant cultural tapestry of human consciousness.

Meanwhile, Seraphina, potent in her acceptance of eternity, took a more subtle approach. She created philanthropic organisations that masqueraded behind noble causes such as disease research and historical preservation, always ensuring these enterprises served their deeper, more hidden passions and agendas.

For every decade they swayed humanity, they took nights of respite—evenings where Arabella would compose haunting verses by candlelight as Seraphina painted portraits of those they’d encountered, capturing ephemeral moments in time. Paintings and poems that only two beings, eternal companions, could truly understand.

With each fleeting human era, their bond grew stronger, a testament to the shared experience and undying passion that defied the inexorable march of time. The mortal world, vast and perplexing, evolved around them, yet their love remained a constant amidst the transient seas of change.

They were fearsome yet tender, ethereal yet grounded, an immortal testament to love that narrated the most intricate interweaving of power, predation, and passion. So, as the world turned and the blood moon arose each year, two souls danced in the night, united in their timeless journey—an echo to the eternal.

The end?