Tag: newsletter writing

30 April 2024

In Australian grammar rules, does the full stop come before single quote marks, or after?

In Australian grammar rules, the placement of the full stop in relation to single quote marks depends on the context of the quotation. If the quotation is a complete sentence, the full stop comes before the closing single quote mark. However, if the quotation is part of a larger sentence, the full stop comes after the closing single quote mark[1][3][4][8]. Citations:[1] https://www.writerscentre.com.au/blog/qa-quotes-and-punctuation-evil-or-not/[2] https://www.macquariedictionary.com.au/punctuation-guide/[3] https://www.eliteediting.com.au/avoiding-americanisms-when-using-australianbritish-english/[4] https://www.capstoneediting.com/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-single-and-double-quotation-marks[5] […]

22 July 2023

Wanting to discover who we will become

“As we live our lives, we find ourselves confronted with a brute fact about how little we can know about our futures—just when it is most important to us that we do know. For many big life choices, we only learn what we need to know after we’ve done it, and we change ourselves in the process of doing it. I’ll argue that, in the […]

23 February 2023

Writing at the gates of an AI dawn

WOW! This comment from 2022: “Two-thirds of Australian authors are women—our new research finds they earn just $18,000 from their writing” Zwar, Throsby and Crosby, The Conversation 2022 You can’t even live off that! It’s below the poverty line, methinks. And yet, digital writing for businesses is booming: “Aussies with digital marketing skills in hot demand, up 34% in just six months.” B&T.com.au, October 20, […]