Tag: creativity

15 May 2023

Creating Killer Content Blogpost 01

What are we as writers if not improvisers? Some of us plan out our work, filling in every gap before putting fingers to keyboard, others of us are ‘pantsers’, writers who write by the seat of their pants, never knowing what’s going to happen next, but trusting in their muse that inspiration will strike. Both types of writers, I contend, are reliant on improvisation more […]

27 June 2022

I’m not creative, mate

I have known I’m bipolar for a very long time, and I was diagnosed as clinically depressed before my psychiatrist at the time changed her mind about my condition (based on new research) and diagnosed me as bipolar nearly two decades ago. But I’d never felt myself as being creative. This, beside loving acting in plays, beside painting, beside taking photographs and developing them in […]