Category: Psychology

16 May 2024

Chapter 10

You sit there, the sterile buzz of the hospital a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside you. Your heart hammers against your ribcage like a prisoner desperate to break free, and you can’t help but tap your foot in a restless rhythm on the gleaming floor. The waiting room is a cold comfort, the chairs lined up with military precision, each one harbouring stories […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 11

You’re sitting at your desk in your home office, surrounded by the quiet hum of academia when your mobile erupts into life, shattering the tranquillity. The number flashing on the screen is one you don’t recognise—unknown, it says. There’s a niggling sensation in the pit of your stomach as you answer; after all, unknown calls rarely bear good news. ‘Lauren Millward?’ The voice on the […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 12

You sit at your desk, the dim light from the computer screen casting long shadows across the room. Your face is buried in your hands, the cool touch of your palms doing little to ease the heat of frustration simmering beneath your skin. Fingers press into your temples, as if you could somehow squeeze out the tension that’s wound itself tight around your thoughts. You’re […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 13

Lauren sat at the kitchen table, her mind a tempest of apprehension. The documents stacked before her bore the weight of a corporation’s unethical agendas—an insidious force she had pledged to unmask. Yet, as the clock ticked away in her Erindale home, doubt gnawed at her resolve. Could she, a single voice, truly shield her daughter from their overreaching grasp? Each press of the keyboard […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 14

You’ve been at it for hours, the glow of the computer screen becoming your only source of light as the sun sets outside your window in Erindale. Your eyes scan through another confidential document, one of the many you’ve managed to collect against the corporation. It’s a painstaking process, but you know the devil is in the detail. With each page, the picture becomes clearer—their […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 15

You stand there, in front of the mirror that once reflected a woman daunted by her own reflection, and now it shows back an image brimming with resolve. The black hair framing your face seems to have absorbed the dark days and turned them into strands of wisdom, each curl a testament to battles fought and won. Your Italian skin, tended with olive oil, is […]

14 April 2024

The Prediction Machine: Can you tell your future?

As the holiday season approached, the constant whirring of drones became a pervasive presence in the airspace above London Gatwick Airport. On December 19th, 2018, a security officer at the airport reported sightings of two unidentified drones circling within and around the perimeter fence. The recent memory of a previous terrorist attack heightened alertness among officials, who quickly closed the runway and launched an investigation […]

2 April 2024

The Expectancy Theory

Expectancy Theory: It proposes that an individual’s level of effort is influenced by their belief that their efforts will lead to desired outcomes. Overview Expectancy theory, developed by Victor Vroom in 1964, states that an individual’s level of effort is influenced by their belief that it will lead to desired outcomes. This is achieved through the alignment of rewards and values and creating a supportive […]