Category: Psychology

16 May 2024

Expect your possible life

This is the back cover blurb I’m proposing to run with — your thoughts very much sought. Uncover the secrets of the mind with Dr. Lauren Millward When truth becomes a liability, one woman’s journey to empower others turns into a fight for her own freedom. Lauren Millward, a seasoned academic and social psychologist, uncovers unsettling evidence about corporate manipulation of the human psyche. But […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 1

Tapping the final full-stop into place, you lean back in your ergonomic chair, feeling that familiar swell of triumph tempered by a whisper of uncertainty. This is your life’s work, encapsulated in thousands of meticulously chosen words, and yet, as Dr. Lauren Millward, the question lingers—have you said enough? Your gaze sweeps over the neatly stacked psychology books lining the shelves of your home office, […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 2

You step through the grand doors of the conference centre, a beacon in the heart of the city that stands as a testament to the pursuit of knowledge. The air is alive; it vibrates with the hum of eager minds and hearts, all congregated under this one roof for a singular purpose: to unravel the power of expectations. Lauren Millward, that’s you—a seasoned traveller on […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 3

You step into the life of Liam first, a man whose athletic prowess once echoed in the halls of stadiums, his name synonymous with victory and determination. Now, the roar of the crowd is a distant memory, replaced by the hushed whispers of self-doubt that crowd his thoughts. His strong build and determined eyes are overshadowed by the slump of defeat in his shoulders—a stark […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 4

The 1970s phone’s ring, a shrill and uninvited guest, pierced the tranquility of your Sunday morning. You, Lauren Millward, with hands accustomed to the weight of scholarly tomes, not the harbinger of grief, lifted the receiver. Your mother…gone? The words, spoken on the other end, hung in the air like a spectre. Shock cascaded over you—a frigid waterfall, numbing thoughts and senses alike. ‘Unexpected’ was […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 5

The early morning sun filters through the kitchen window, casting Lauren’s furrowed brow in shadow as she sits across from Brett at the worn oak table. Her fingers tap out a nervous rhythm next to her cooling cup of tea, the offer letter from Alderton Industries lying between them. Brett reaches out, his large hand enveloping Lauren’s restless fingers in a gentle grasp. He meets […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 6

You sit at your desk, the dim light from the lamp casting shadows across the scattered papers and books that chronicle your life’s work in social psychology. It’s a comfortable chaos, one that speaks of late nights spent chasing insights into human behaviour. The offer from the corporation lies atop this academic mosaic, an incongruous slab of stark white amidst the warm hues of dog-eared […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 7

As you step into the bustling conference hall, the air hums with a current of intellectual fervour. Rows upon rows of chairs are occupied by the keen minds of your peers, all gathered for the annual psychology conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Your pulse quickens; this is your arena, where the power of expectations takes centre stage and your research shines under the spotlight. […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 8

You’re making your way through the bustling conference hall, a sea of scholars mingling with the clinical hum of academic curiosity. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee intermingles with the scent of paper from newly printed journals and the subtle perfume of leather-bound books. It’s here, amidst the chatter and clinking cups, that you spot Dr. Maya Johnson. ‘Dr. Johnson,’ you call out, catching her […]

16 May 2024

Chapter 9

The phone’s shrill ring slices through the tranquillity of your Erindale home, an unwelcome intruder in the leafy Adelaide suburb. You glance at the caller ID—Brett. Odd for him to call this time of day; he’s usually buried in consultations or crafting strategies for corporate bigwigs. ‘Lauren, love,’ Brett’s voice is a taut string ready to snap, ‘It’s Rachel. She’s… she’s sick. Really sick.’ Your […]