Category: The ghost at the table

Cybercrime novel (formerly known as ‘Meningie Man’)

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 10

Stephanie The gentle clinking of glasses and the murmur of contented conversation enveloped my husband and I as we sat in the warm glow of a Melbourne eatery, a rare oasis of calm amidst the relentless pace of our lives. A soft amber light played on the white tablecloth, casting elongated shadows of the wine glasses that held remnants of an expensive Cab Sav from […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 11

Stephanie Fingers danced across the keyboard, a staccato rhythm in the near-dark. The glow from the screen was the only light, casting an eerie pallor on Stephanie’s face. She delved deeper, layers of security peeling away under her relentless assault. Dark web, darker motives. Australia’s underbelly was throbbing with digital pulses of crime, and she was the huntress tracking its blood trail. A forum, hidden […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 12

The warehouse loomed ahead, a hulking monument to illicit dealings and cyber shadows. I took it in, the rust on the corrugated iron cladding, the silence that hugged its walls too tight. No goons on watch, no cameras winking their red eyes at me. Odd. I swallowed hard, the pulse in my throat ticking like a bomb about to go off. The intel that Andy […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 13

Logan The phone buzzed, a low grumble on the hardwood table. I eyed it, knowing who it would be before the screen lit up with Dragon’s codename. His calls never meant good news. “Logan,” his voice was a hiss, quick and urgent, “they’re onto you. The cops. Your digital trails.” “Damn.” My fingers drummed against the tabletop. Lay low? The idea grated at me, like […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 14

Logan I hunched over my laptop, the screen’s glow the only light in the room. Fingers danced across keys with military precision—a skill that stuck from RAAF days. Information streamed down the monitor: farms, assets, security protocols. A Chinese conglomerate, vast as the outback and twice as ruthless. Their cyber defence was a fortress. Advanced algorithms. Firewalls within firewalls. I felt the weight of the […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 15

Stephanie Sweat mixed with grime on Stephanie’s brow as she hunkered down behind the crates. Bullets sang their deadly tune overhead, each one a reminder of how close death was. Her heart thrummed against her ribs, a frantic drummer keeping time with the chaos. The warehouse, once a place of orderly rows and crated secrets, had become a battlefield. She squinted through the dim light, […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 16

Stephanie The crates splintered around me. Each shot, a death knell. My heart was a jackhammer against my ribs, each thud echoing the danger I was in. They said Adelaide was quiet, peaceful. But here I was, dodging bullets like a character out of a gangster flick. I pressed myself flat against the cold, rough wood, my breath ragged. Survival instincts kicked in; I needed […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 17

Logan I’m sitting in my cluttered home office, the glow of the computer screen casting long shadows across the room. My fingers are flying over the keys, faster than ever before. Then it happens. A ping that sounds like the end of the world. “System breach detected.” The words flicker across my monitor. The conglomerate’s systems are mine, but the triumph is short-lived. I lean […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft 03 – Chapter 18

Logan Cramped space. The hum of machinery my constant companion. I sit, a lone figure in the dim glow of computer screens. They cast shapes across my apartment, light and shadow dancing over walls cluttered with tech and takeout boxes. My fingers dance too, swift over keys, a skill honed under military precision, now repurposed for a darker cause. Screens flicker. Code scrolls. My hands […]

12 March 2024

The ghost at the table – Draft -03 – Chapter 20

Stephanie The office was quiet except for the methodical tapping of keys as I hunched over my computer, piecing together fragments of data like a digital-age detective. The glow from dual monitors cast an eerie pallor across the room, illuminating my focus: the mounting evidence against Logan. “Patterns repeat,” I muttered to myself, scrolling through lines of code and transaction logs. Logan’s digital fingerprints were […]