Category: AI

Artificial Intelligence

15 October 2024

New book: The AI Scribe

“The AI Scribe” explores how artificial intelligence is transforming writing across various fields. It offers practical guidance on using AI writing tools, addresses ethical concerns, and examines future trends. The book emphasizes AI as a tool to enhance, not replace, human creativity in writing

1 October 2024

Me… according to ChatGPT-4o

Lee Hopkins blends professionalism with approachability. He offers authoritative, well-organised content aimed at professionals, while featuring a warm, engaging tone. He exhibits meticulousness, empathy, and adaptability, enhancing reader engagement through educational content and subtle humour

9 March 2023

AI and writers

What are we as writers if not improvisers? Some of us plan out our work, filling in every gap before putting fingers to keyboard, others of us are ‘pantsers’, writers who write by the seat of their pants, never knowing what’s going to happen next, but trusting in their muse that inspiration will strike. Both types of writers, I contend, are reliant on improvisation more […]

9 March 2023

AI *WILL* disrupt writers, and sooner than you think

As a retired business communicator with some 30 years of experience behind me building websites, blogs and providing the content for them, I had left the Business Communication profession behind and embraced my photography and my Masters degree in Creative Writing & Communication. So, when AI came across my horizon, I was ill-prepared for its importance and its ground-shaking nature. Most in my former profession […]

23 February 2023

Writing at the gates of an AI dawn

WOW! This comment from 2022: “Two-thirds of Australian authors are women—our new research finds they earn just $18,000 from their writing” Zwar, Throsby and Crosby, The Conversation 2022 You can’t even live off that! It’s below the poverty line, methinks. And yet, digital writing for businesses is booming: “Aussies with digital marketing skills in hot demand, up 34% in just six months.” B&, October 20, […]